Christmas FAQs

Check out our frequently asked questions.

 Frequently asked questions about our Christmas Appeal:

There are lots of ways you can support women and their children affected by domestic abuse this Christmas.

One of the quickest and easiest ways to support our lifesaving services is through donating. Alternatively, you can join Refuge fundraisers by doing a challenge or activity and getting your friends and family to sponsor you. Go to this page for more information about setting up a fundraiser.

Thanks for supporting women and their children affected by domestic abuse.

The cost of living crisis has increased our costs to run our lifesaving services, from our 44 refuges to our 24/7 Helpline. This Christmas, we aim to raise £1 million to keep our specialist services running for women affected by domestic abuse. From emergency transport to emergency accommodation, the things women need to leave their abusers are getting more expensive by the day.

Every two minutes someone turns to Refuge for support. With the help of our amazing supporters we’re able to keep providing support all year round.

Thank you so much for your kind offer. We do not coordinate these types of donations centrally as we do not have the resources and it can be hard to know what refuges need, which can change day to day.

However, you can use the Women’s Aid directory to reach out to a local refuge near you.

You can also consider selling your items through eBay and setting up some – or all – of the proceeds to go to charity. You can find out more here.

We understand that not everyone who wishes to support us can donate. There are lots of ways supporters can help our crucial work with women and their children affected by domestic abuse.

With 1 in 4 women experiencing domestic abuse it’s crucial that our Helpline information is as well known so women needing urgent support receive the help they require. You can help spread the word by sharing our content on social media. Go to this page for more information about setting up a fundraiser.

Thank you for your donating to support women and their children affected by domestic abuse.

Sorry to hear you’re experiencing issues with setting up your e-card. Unfortunately, the e-card system requires you to click on a link sent to your inbox within 1 hour to get confirmation you’re happy for the e-card to be sent to your recipient.

You can create a new e-card using this link.

Alternatively, you can print and personalise this design to send your festive message.

The donation values on our donate pages are illustrative of what different donations could go towards in our services, to support women and their children affected by domestic abuse. Cost points are averages, for example our 44 refuges range in size and how many women and children we accommodate so we have used an average for the Run a Refuge parcel.

Donations will be used to support women and their children experiencing domestic abuse throughout the year.

Generous donations from our supporters ensure our lifesaving services can keep running for the thousands of women and their children that we support every day. Donations to our Christmas Appeal will be used to keep our services including our 24/7 Helpline, 44 refuges and community-based services running throughout the year.