About domestic abuse

Domestic abuse is a crime. It is never the fault of the person who is experiencing it. And it can happen to anyone — regardless of age, background, gender identity, sex, religion, sexual orientation or ethnicity. However, statistics show most domestic abuse is carried out by men and experienced by women.

Across England and Wales...

1 in 4 women will experience domestic abuse in her lifetime

Every 30 seconds the police receive a call for help relating to domestic abuse

1 woman every 5 days is killed by an abusive partner or ex, on average

Types of domestic abuse

Psychological/emotional abuse: Includes name-calling, threats and manipulation, blaming you for the abuse or ‘gas-lighting’ you.

Economic abuse: Controlling your access to money or resources. He might take your wages, stop you working, or put you in debt without your knowledge or consent

Sexual abuse: Doesn’t have to be physical. He might manipulate, deceive or coerce you into doing things you don’t want to do.

Coercive control: When an abuser uses a pattern of behaviour over time to exert power and control. It is a criminal offence.

Physical abuse: Not only hitting. He might restrain you or throw objects. He might pinch or shove you and claim it’s a ‘joke’.

Tech abuse: He might send abusive texts, demand access to your devices, track you with spyware, or share images of you online.