Press Release

3 March 2020

Refuge response to reintroduction of the Domestic Abuse Bill

In response to the the reintroduction of the Domestic Abuse Bill, Sandra Horley CBE, chief executive of national domestic abuse charity Refuge said:

“Refuge welcomes the re-introduction of the Domestic Abuse Bill, which is significantly enhanced by the addition of a legal duty on local authorities to provide refuge accommodation.

“This Bill offers the government a real opportunity to transform the response to domestic abuse in this country, but key to its success will be meeting this duty with adequate funding, so that no woman or child is ever turned away when seeking safety.

“Refuge will continue to work with the government to strengthen the Bill as it progresses into law, and to ensure it best protects the survivors whose very lives depend on it.”

For more information contact the Refuge press team on 0207 395 7731.

About Refuge: Refuge is a frontline service provider. It runs specialist domestic violence services across the country and opened the world’s first refuge in 1971. On any given day, it supports more than 6,500 women and children escaping all forms of violence against women and girls.