Press Release

7 February 2023

Ruth Davison responds to the sentencing of former Met Police officer David Carrick

Responding to the sentencing of former Met Police officer David Carrick, Ruth Davison, Refuge CEO said:

“First and foremost, I want to send solidarity to the brave women who have come forward and reported these horrific crimes leading to the conviction today. The details that have emerged during the sentencing over the last two days are appalling.

This individual abused his police power to systematically commit the most atrocious acts of abuse and violence against women and got away with it for almost two decades.

David Carrick told women they wouldn’t be believed, he threatened women with weapons he was licensed to carry due to his status as a police officer, he was protected by a culture that silenced victims.

That Carrick could remain a serving officer for so long whilst he perpetrated this gross abuse of power and horrific crimes against women, is terrifying. There were numerous opportunities where Carrick’s predatory behaviour was recorded and complaints were made. Every single one of them should have raised the alarm. But none of them were taken seriously and no action was taken. Carrick was able to continue in post and further abuse more and more women. He should have been stopped sooner.

We have heard time and time again about numerous failures by the police to investigate perpetrators working in the force, for too long the police have closed ranks. This case further exposes the rank misogyny within the police force, survivors who themselves were police officers spoke of the male dominated culture in the police that protected this perpetrator, they spoke of their fear of not being believed or mocked if they reported the atrocious crimes that had been committed against them.

It is this culture that must be urgently addressed, survivors need to be supported to report the crimes against them and have faith that action will be taken. David Carrick was sentenced to more than 30 years in prison today, but this is not about one individual perpetrator, any officer accused of crimes of this magnitude against women and girls must be suspended and urgently investigated, not empowered to commit multiple crimes against multiple women over such a long time period.

If you need support, Refuge is here for you. We will believe you. You can contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 0808 2000 247, or via You are not alone.”