Caitlin O’Ryan performs poem for Refuge’s No Red Flag is Too Small campaign this International Women’s Day

On Saturday, 8th March, Refuge took over the Outernet for one day, filling it with a sea of red flags. 

The installation was created by London-based agency AMV BBDO in partnership with Pixel Artworks, and allowed for people to walk through and engage with real people’s stories. 

With 1 in 4 women experiencing domestic abuse in their lifetime, it was a chance for many to reflect on own experiences and those of friends and family. 

As part of the day, Poet and actor Caitlin O’Ryan performed for the first time her new poem ‘Why did you stay 

“So why did I stay?  

Because the warning signs were subtle 

I knew to look for danger for the violent signs of trouble 

So yeah, I struggled to see the smaller signs 

To read between the blurring lines” 

Watch the full video here

Mid shot of Caitlin O'Ryan stood with a mic in front of red flags
Will Morgan photography
Looking up to the ceiling of the Outernet, London. The screen walls are filled with red flags up to a screen of a blue sky with clouds and the Refuge logo on the ceiling. In the foreground are physical red flags on poles
Will Morgan photography


Every flag displayed on the day is a real story, highlighting the types of abuse that all too often go unrecognised, unseen, unreported, and untold. 

The visuals were accompanied by a soundscape, brought to life by the voices of acclaimed actors and TV personalities, including Emmy and Golden Globe winner Olivia Colman (The Crown), Bella Ramsey (The Last of Us), and Adjoa Andoh (Bridgerton). Their compelling readings of survivors’ words created an immersive and deeply moving experience. 

Victoria Yeates, Hetti Barkworth-Nanton and Lorien Haynes stood in front of Refuge's 'No Red Flag is Too Small' exhibition
Will Morgan photography

From left to right, Lorien Haynes, Victoria Yeates, Chanita Stephenson, Caitlin O'Ryan and Hetti Bankworth-Nanton stood holding the "No Red Flag Is Too Small. Help us end domestic abuse" sign

Key findings from our latest YouGov survey

Three quarters of UK adults unaware of true scale of domestic abuse

One third of men aged 18-24 don’t consider ‘forcing sex’ to be abusive

Physical abuse is more likely to be recognised than psychological abuse

The Outernet filled with red flags on the screens and physically, with lots of people among them Refuge staff stand with the back to the camera pointing at a long tall Refuge advert as a passer by walks past. The advert reads "He'd spy on me and listen to my calls, and, uh, watch me."

Missed out on the day? Our exhibition ‘Women.Now.’ with The Independent is on display on the Now Trending screens throughout March. It features portraits of 12 remarkable women—captured by visionary photographer Sane Seven.

Be part of our ‘No Red Flag is Too Small’ campaign online: educate yourself by taking our Red Flags quiz; donate to help provide essential items to survivors of domestic abuse; and share our socials to help us spread the word.